Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics
In addition to immersing students in language and literacy, the educational program at DIAS integrates and emphasizes STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics).
DIAS was the first school in Salinas City Elementary School District to offer a STEAM curriculum. STEAM is an interdisciplinary, cross-curriculum, real-world process of teaching where core subjects are interwoven, not taught in isolation, much like what students will encounter in this world of global diversity. Rigorous, core curriculum is applied through STEAM-focused projects/activities and aligned to board-adopted curriculum, Common Core State Standards, Next Generation State Standards and State Standards for English Language Development.
STEAM encourages unique solutions, inventive thinking and problem solving. Arts help students build confidence, develop motor skills, and hone their decision-making skills. An arts education spurs creativity and innovation. DIAS is dedicated to the arts and provides art, drumming and music programs for our students.