Parent-Teacher Organization
The Dual Immersion Academy of Salinas Parent-Teacher Organization (DIAS PTO) is made up of parents and teachers with the mission of working together to provide an exceptional dual immersion educational program with excellent opportunities for our children. DIAS PTO supports and promotes parent involvement to enhance the school community, supports teachers and provides them with classroom resources where needed, and helps provide extraordinary learning experiences for our students.
Information about SSC and ELAC meetings, along with other ways to get involved is located in our Student & Parent Handbook 2024-2025, which will be made available to DIAS Families through ParentSquare.
School Site Council (SSC)
The SSC is very important to the success of our school and our community. The SSC implements, reviews, and updates the plans and budgets that make our school a safe, nourishing, and productive learning environment for our children, as well as for our staff and community.
English Learner Advisory Commiitee
The primary purpose of ELAC is to advise the school principal and school staff regarding the instructional programs and support services for English Learners. ELAC is also responsible for advising the School Site Council (SSC) and reviewing the site plans. The committee is composed of parents of students who are identified as English Learners.