Do you want to get more involved with your child's education and help shape our school?
Run for a position in DIAS PTO's Executive Board!
The Dual Immersion Academy of Salinas Parent-Teacher Organization (DIAS PTO) is made up of parents and teachers with the mission of working together to provide an exceptional dual immersion educational program with excellent opportunities for our children. DIAS PTO supports and promotes parent involvement to enhance the school community, supports teachers and provides them with classroom resources where needed, and helps provide extraordinary learning experiences for our students. All parents and teachers are welcome and encouraged to attend our monthly meetings. All present will vote on actions.
Our Executive Board has general supervision at our PTO meetings, makes recommendations to PTO, and performs many other duties. Officers are expected to attend each meeting and contribute to making our PTO effective.
Officers serve for two years, July 1 - June 30. The president, secretary, and communications director exit at the end of the even years; the vice-president and treasurer exit at the end of the odd years. Officers may hold (by election) the same office for consecutive years.
- President The president presides at all meetings of the organization and coordinates the work of the officers. The president serves as the guardian of the organization’s mission. The president, with the approval of the executive board, appoints special committees deemed necessary by the executive board. The president also performs duties as described by the PTO approved job description. At executive board meetings, the president only votes in the case of a tie.
- Vice President The vice-president acts in the absence of the president. The vice-president is the liaison between the chairperson of a committee and the executive board. With the approval of the general membership, the vice-president automatically assumes the office of the president, upon the vacation of that office until the next election.
- Treasurer The treasurer keeps current and accurate accounts of the business transactions of the PTO.
- Communications Director
The secretary will record the minutes of the general and executive board meetings. The secretary will also compile and maintain all PTO documents. - Secretary
- Communications Director The communications director will collect and distribute (subject to the DIAS principal’s approval) any correspondence as needed by the organization, and directed by the president.
Nominations ans Election Information
To nominate yourself for a position on the Executive Board, please fill out the form below, or email your submission to, or submit your information to Jeanette at the front office.
Please include your name, your email address and phone number, the position you are interested in (see information below for a description of duties), your student’s name and class, and briefly tell us in English and/or Spanish about why you are qualified and/or want to serve on the Executive Board.
Any parent with a student in TK-6 for the 2023-2024 school year is eligible to be a candidate for our PTO’s Executive Board.
A candidate will win by a majority vote.